Even though my "organizational" goals are pretty humdrum, they do seem to be a humdrum that is common to most people. Therefore, they may be worth discussing a bit.
Goal #1 for 2011:
"To get back to my Weight Watchers goal weight and maintain it - I am 10 lbs over right now (yikes!)."
My journey with Weight Watchers has been humbling for me. After having four children in 6 1/2 years - all in my 30s, I might add - I was putting on some "mom weight". I was not overweight - still within WW guidelines for a healthy weight for my height (just barely, though). So, I joined WW in April of 2008, and was very gung ho. The weight just dropped off. I threw myself into it. I had had gestational diabetes with three of my pregnancies, so I was familiar with planning meals, counting starches, fats, etc. Weight Watchers is MUCH less restrictive than the diabetes diet I was on. My goal was to get to 140. I was at 152. Not a huge loss, but honestly, I did not think I could do it.
I really, really, really like to eat.
Anyway, I started losing and just kept going. I got down to - get this - 125. A skinny size 6. And boy, did I feel good about myself!
I maintained that for about a year, and then suddenly....well, I am not going to go into a lot of detail, but let's just say the changing hormone age hit me early and with a vengenance. And in one month I gained 5 lbs. THAT is discouraging! The next month I gained a few more. Then I reached the "what's the use!" stage and practiced the program sort of half-heartedly for the next year. I eat basically healthy, I usually track what I eat, etc., etc. But I quit going to the meetings. I know my portion sizes started creeping up again, and the ability to only have one cookie seemed to evaporate.
So right now, I am 11 lbs over goal - almost back where I started. I feel differently now, though, than I did three years ago. In 2008 I felt FAT. I felt dumpy, and dull. I don't feel that way now. I'd still definitely like to get back to my goal of 140, but I do not want to get back down to 125 again. I gave away all my 6's and told my friends that if I ever get that thin again it will be due to a wasting disease and I am just going to wear sweats in that situation! But basically, I feel good about myself. I know I've blogged before about turning 45, aging gracefully, and all that, so I am not going there again. My main focus is to get back to eating healthier. Now, by "healthier" I go with the idea of being "healthy enough". I get my daily requirements of fruits and veggies, protein, dairy and healthy oils. I take my vitamin supplement. I try to eat my daily requirements before I eat goodies. And I am limiting my sweets and fried foods. But I am limiting them - not eliminating them. That is one of the reasons I like WW so much - nothing is forbidden, but you have to think about the point value of say, a biscuit as compared to...well, just about anything else! Think about whether to have seconds on country fried steak. Balancing out each day. Be aware of portion sizes. Eat when I am hungry, not just because something is there.
It is harder now than even a couple years ago. And since I had my children "late" we are still in the kid stage - lots of activities that involve going out. We also really enjoying fellowshipping with others, and that always seems to include a meal. I won't give that up. I want to enjoy eating, and enjoy fellowshipping, and I refuse to be one of those people who picks apart all the food at a potluck. And, if I go to the WW meetings, and stick with the program, little by little I will get back to my goal weight. But the focus is on being "healthy enough" - not obsessing over my food, my weight, my size - getting enough exercise, being active, being able to work and play and serve and enjoy life. That doesn't seem like it should be too hard!
I'm so happy to read this! This weight loss stuff can become very obsessive. Healthy at whatever weight is, well, just healthier for your mind, body and spirit.