Have you ever seen the movie "Throw Mama From the Train" with Danny DeVito and Billy Crystal? It is from the early to mid-80s, I do believe. DeVito's character Owen wants to be a writer, so every day he is typing away on his typewriter (yep, that's how old the movie is) and one day Mama asks what he is doing. He replies, "Writing, Mama. A writer writes, always." Mama grunts and says, "Type, type, type like a fat little pigeon."
I don't know why, but "type, type, type like a fat little pigeon" has stuck in my mind. A lot of days I do that on the computer. And today, when I thought about cleaning house that is what I heard...Mama in my head, saying, "Clean, clean, clean, like a fat little pigeon."
I love trying to clean, and I dream of organization. I guess I don't love cleaning, but I love a clean house, so there you go. I did Flylady for a while, incorporated some good habits from that, but personally, the onslaught of emails all day did me in. I am always looking for ideas to add to my "daily habits". Today I found a great house cleaning schedule at Time-Warp Wife. The link takes you to her complete schedule, but here is the cute quick-glance chart she provides:
I wish I could type on it - Wednesdays I have a science co-op at my house from 9:30-11:30 (ish) and then we go into town for guitar lessons at 2. We have a pretty rush-rush day. But, I like her way of thinking.
Today - I think I will try the Friday stuff, and also spending a goodly portion of my day working on the website for our business. Yes, we have been in business almost 20 years and no website. Once I get it going I will post a link and would appreciate some input, of the constructive and uplifting nature!
Started reading this yesterday
so far, a lot of things I already knew from having had gestational diabetes and Weight Watchers, but as this is fine-tuned to diabetes it is a helpful resource.
And that is it for today - the weather is only supposed to get up to 90 today, I have the door open to let in some breeze, going to hang some laundry, I hear people stirring about (Mom, how long are you going to be on the computer???) so I should go get busy.
Have a wonderful day, all!
Weight Watchers has changed as of last December. I love their new Point Plus.